Saturday, May 8, 2010

Time For Heroes

It has been storming and raining so much over the past couple of days! As a result, today I set out with a friend to finally see the new 'Alice In Wonderland'. I've heard mixed reviews, but I still really wanted to see it. Have you? If so, what did you think?

Sadly though, it was not playing so we had limited choices and ended up watching 'Kick Ass'. I was honestly just expecting it to be hilariously bad (Nicholas Cage as a superhero...the Cage in anything is a laugh!) but I ended up loving it so much. I can't really explain this, other than by saying that I think I've always had a bit of a superhero complex. Its not something that I think about very much, but watching young Chloe Mortez with all of her amazing martial arts and weapon skills really revived that side of me. I wish I was a cool 13 year old killer, ha ha! It was funny both intentionally and inadvertently I'm sure, but intriguing in a Kill Bill meets Spider man sort of way. Obviously its not the same as Kill Bill, but the action sequences had a similar feel.

With that, I thought I would share with you a bit of embarrassment, of which this movie reminded me. This past term at school we had to turn ourselves into a superhero as an assignment. The above is what I came up with. I am probably the geekiest looking hero ever, but I'm okay with that!


  1. I have seen both of those movies! I saw Alice a few weeks ago and felt it was way overhyped. There are good parts but overall it's not a very good movie. I miss the old Tim Burton. Now it almost feels like he parodies himself. Beetlejuice was his peak, I think.

    As for Kick Ass, I saw that on Thursday with Dawna. We just felt like going to see a movie and there really wasn't much playing. There were lame bits but I agree with you, it's much better than you think it's going to be. I enjoyed the way that girl played Hit Girl like a Clint Eastwood character, you know? All squinty and breathy in her delivery? Nicholas Cage doing Adam West was kind of annoying I found… haha. When we were getting out of the theatre Dawna overheard some people commenting on his William Shatner impression. NON, ce n'est pas le beau acteur. People just don't know anything anymore!

    Hahaha! You are a very fashionable superhero! What with the feathers on your mask and your dotted tights. I always thought it would be cool to be strong and skilled enough to be a superhero, but I am identifying more with those Tamora Pierce books I used to read… Well, truthfully, I am also thinking of Batgirl. I used to watch Batman: The Animated Series ALL THE TIME. How cool would it be to be Batman's sidekick? That is how you know you're made it. Batman is so tough.

  2. That's too bad about Alice In Wonderland. Beetlejuice really was so good!

    I get what you mean about the Clint Eastwood likeness. She did that quite well! I didn't care much for the bits about the teenagers, but she was just so cool!

    I didn't understand why Nicholas Cage was channeling Batman...and why his character didn't have a more unique costume. I suppose the concept does quite suit Nicholas Cage though haha. William Shatner? Wow, and people these days think they know pop culture soo well.

    I suspect that the sequel will be like Spiderman's, wherein McLovin serves as the James Franco avenging his father's death. As if McLovin could ever compare to Franco, hahaha. Only in this one, Nicholas Cage (or whatever his character's name was...Big Daddy) will return as a ghost! I can picture it already.

    Its definitely the Buffy geek in me that initially inspired my superhero craze, haha. I will have to look up some of these Tamora Pierce books though!

    Haha I was so into Batman animated too! That really would be the ultimate success, being his sidekick.

  3. YA, the teen movie parts were lame! I was actually very impressed by McLovin… poor man, he will always be referred to as McLovin.

    HAHA I read those books when I was like 12, so don't expect them to be amazing! I suspect they are not as good to the seasoned reader… but oh, I loved them so as a child!

  4. Yeah, Poor McLovin! It doesn't help that he will always have that signature voice either. No matter how he looks he will always be the same to people, haha.

  5. I have seen neither of these movies and probably won't ever. Nicolas Cage makes me cringe and Alice in Wonderland...I don't know, I'd maybe give that movie a chance.
