Monday, May 10, 2010

On My Mind

These tights! From "Les Queues de Sardines"

Getting a pet deer

How cool this would be if it were true

Cupcakes, always

High hair buns and general updos

Mac, from 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia', which I've been watching non-stop. I am very in love with him, even if it goes against all reason. I think it has something to do with his funny hair style, facial expressions, definitely his teeth, and how he can pull off t shirts so well despite cutting the sleeves off of them. That and I like arguing for hours about impossible and ridiculous concepts, so obviously we are meant for eachother.

Consequentally, this song will not leave my mind. I think it just might be my favorite ever.

*I don't remember where I found most of these pictures, apologies!


  1. Those tights are cute! Feel like Hit Girl on a regular basis!

    Poor deer, stuck inside.


    MMMMMMMMMMMM. Elaine linked me to a new cupcake shop (excuse me, shoppe) in the Glebe:

    I want to do that with my hair now that's it long enough! I always just wear it down. Too lazy, I guess.

    I have never watched this show! You, Elaine and my dad all really like it. I am considering watching it… That song is crazy.

  2. I want to visit the flour shoPPE. Haha it looks nice!

    You should watch it...its so funny! Its funny in a different sort of way from anything else I've watched. And you end up loving these seemingly terrible people.

  3. Yes! It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is so awesome! Both Dayman and Nightman songs are hilarious. I love Charlie's Bob Dylan imitation. I would have to say that Charlie is my favourite, since he is the wild card ahha.

  4. Oh yes, the wild card! Haha, Charlie is so funny and lovable even though he eats cat food.

    I just found out the other day, that Charlie and the Waitress are married in real life, as are Mac and Dee (jealous! but I still think its cute).
