Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today was so rainy! It has been storming off and on all day, but I have to say that I don't really mind. Its nice to have these days once in a while, especially when you live in an apartment that is constantly radiating with the sun and overheating. I also appreciate how it validates my desire to stay inside and do nothing but clean, as bad as that may be haha.

I thought that I would share with you a couple of things. Above is a photo that was part of a recent photography project, taken in Kensington market. Below are some photos and a drawing that are part of a 12 image project, all focused around umbrellas. Anyone who looks at my portfolio is going to think that I'm obsessed with rain and depression, as so many of my favorite images were a part of such projects...that and I actually am kind of accidentally obsessed with it (hence the drawing I did for you...), but no one has to know that!


  1. Calla, these pictures are beautiful! What kind of camera do you have?

    Actually, I don't think anyone would think you are depressed… I don't know, they are pictures of rain, but they aren't gloomy pictures of rain. They make me think of the kinds of rainstorms people enjoy, in which they can stay home and read… you know? Or clean, as is your preference!

  2. I love your pictures, Calla! The tints are so pretty. It was really rainy today! I was at a family BBQ, but was inside cleaning and prepping food while the men were out grilling. I don't think it rained as much up in Markham though.

  3. Thanks, guys! Right now I just use a Nikon Coolpix S200, but I plan on investing in an SLR as soon as I get a job/enough money.

    I am happy you don't see them as depressing, I was going for the happier side of rain so that is good!
