Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Green Light

"If it wasn't for the mist we could see your home across the bay. You have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock."
-F. Scott-Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby-

The Great Gatsby has to be one of my favorite books. Every summer I find myself rereading it by compulsion. It just has a really nice, calm and summery sort of feeling to it if that makes any sense. I think that it reminds me of the summers I wish I had...away in a country house somewhere by the water, where you can just think and ride bikes and go boating all the time. I have some exciting aspirations! It is also quite short, a fact which my recently killed attention span quite appreciates.

I also love the movie, probably very much due to the aesthetic and Robert Redford.

His hats were so great! P.S. Doesn't he look like a cross between Brad Pitt (as he usually does) and Owen Wilson in this photo? ha


  1. I have never read the book or seen the movie! Which I find strange, because it seems like I would like both. I have the book, so I COULD add it to my reading list, which is already quite long but could still absorb another book or two…

    Robert Redford! I don't always like him because he almost always plays good guys and it doesn't seem like he has a huge range, but he's so good in Three Days of the Condor. Have you ever seen it? This is my Robert Redford movie tip for you! And me, I will stalk TCM's schedule until The Great Gatsby shows up.


  2. ALSO I love this drawing! I think we should change our banner to something of yours. Like maybe those pictures of the cherry blossoms you took a month ago? So pretty!

  3. You really should read it and watch it! And I will look up your recommendation as well. I love his movies, but I do see what you mean. I think sometimes I really like the old fashioned typecasting, but it would have been nice to see him as a bad guy for once.

    And thank you, I am glad that you like it. I will have to see what I can do about different banners in the future and you can pick your favorites, haha.

    And that comic made me laugh so much! Especially the one about the green light and seizures.
