Friday, May 7, 2010

"I am SO over Jordan Catalano"

I really must apologize for my boring-ness lately. I feel like I've been living the life of the elderly, and have to try extra hard to think of something interesting to post. However, I do have some ideas in the works so hopefully it won't be like this for much longer, haha.

There's not very much that's better than this scene:

Also, I'm sad about the disappearance of the MSCL cast from my life. I've watched many a bad movie over the years just to see Angela Chase again. I like that Jordan Catalano/Jared Leto is still around, its just too bad that he insists on being crazy and wearing eyeliner all the time. And then there's Brian Krakow, who had a brief stint on Roswell but he wasn't Brian so it was not the same. And Rickie? So many fictional characters to miss!


  1. I still have to see My So-Called Life! ACTUALLY I will try to find it online and start watching it right now!

    What's up with the cutaway to Taylor Swift at the end? That was jarring. haha

  2. Oh you really should! I think its pretty findable on the internet too.

    Haha sorry about that bit! It was the only version on youtube that was good quality.
