Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You're Wearing Cardigans!

I've been getting a lot of work done lately! In between projects I am working on a small series of my own, that I hope to also turn into a small book perhaps. It's a work in progress, but it's helping me to focus a bit more and to be more creative.

I've also been spending a lot of time listening to Jango, which is amazing! It lets you create "stations" based around certain artists that you like, finding similar musicians and songs for you, then playing them nonstop. It's perfect for me as I am so indecisive when it comes to choosing what I want to listen to, and hate having to stop to change music in the middle of working on something. 
Right now I'm kind of in a trip hop faze, probably thanks to my marathon of watching Misfits a few weeks ago. English TV always seems to have such good music! This song is a little more hip hop but it's been in my head forever. Probably because it was designed that way, haha. And I think that this Tricky song was my favorite from Knowle West Boy, which I seem to remember having on repeat around this time last year too...


  1. Haha!! I love his speech! It is so POIGNANT, you know? I wish I had heard of this show earlier.

    Also, what a nice discovery, this Jango. Usually I just put my itunes on random but then I start out by choosing one kind of music and then the next one will be totally different and not at all what I feel like at the moment. It can be annoying to have to stop what I'm doing and skip ten songs.

  2. ALSO congratulations on your productivity! I would really like to see your book when it's finished!

  3. He is a genius, haha! I wish that I could have Robert Sheehan's voice as background noise everyday, saying obnoxious yet motivational things.

    You should definitely watch Misfits! It is so soo funny and refreshing in a lot of ways. Nathan is hilarious and you will probably fall in love with Simon!

    I am happy to hear that I am not just ADD when it comes to songs, and that you have the same problem. I love how Jango has so many artists!

    And I will for sure share the book with you, actually I will most likely post pages as I go along.
