These are so nice! I love the soft colours, as well as the retro inspired clothing. I would quite like that skirt, sweater, and jacket for Fall please! Not to mention the sunglasses... photos from here
Today I went to the Ottawa antique market for the first time. Have you ever been there? I found a few very nice things, albeit typically overpriced. There was a lovely handmade 60's ballet dress that I was dying to own or at least take photos of, but the rude vendor and the fact that I have no knowledge of my own wedding in the near future made me decide against it. I also fell quite in love with a mint green milkshake mixer...Overall it was a pretty nice place to check out.
...That's why God gave us grappling hooks.
Now I am at home eating carrots and watching 'Due South'. I was probably a bit too overjoyed when I discovered that a channel was still airing it haha. I haven't seen it in years. It is just packed with one inspirational quote after another! Not to mention the car chase scenes with obvious green screen usage, the dog, and the costumes! In this episode they are undercover as typical used car salesmen, with slick hair and Hawaiian shirts. What a perfectly Canadian show this is, haha.
Actually I wish that Canada was more like it in some ways. I'm sure that having a Fraser around patrolling could solve a lot of problems!
I don't know very much about the Like, and I don't know that I've ever heard their music, but I do love their style! I know that this article has been floating around the internet for a long while now, I just had to re post due to a few things. They include: sixties hair and makeup, lovely vintage dresses, and the fact that they once had Bill Murray as their roadie. I'm particularly partial to the lead's white dress. How perfect! Aside from that, I've always loved just how well Tennessee Thomas manages to pull off saddle shoes...
Merri Cyr takes lovely photographs. She was Jeff Buckley's personal photographer back in the nineties, capturing him quite well, and very creatively I think. I love how contemplative he seemed. These are some of my favourite photos of all time. Haha that sounds like such a loaded statement, but I have many really! Click here to check out the rest!
...things that I have done over the past couple of days:
I made some really tiny cupcakes yesterday! Please excuse the poor icing job. Their size was making the process difficult so I slacked off hoping that the fact that I made cream cheese frosting would make up for it haha.
I did a watercolour painting of my Aunt's house, and delivered it to her on Saturday for her birthday. Just some normal weekend things I guess!
Colin Blunstone has one of the best voices, yes? I absolutely love the Zombies, and his dreamy style is a large part of their charm. I very much like his version of this song, or any song really!
I have finally gotten around to starting some of the work that I should have began a long time ago. Over a year ago I did the top drawing, and I was recently commissioned to do a matching one, being the second one. Apologies for the dark edges of the first one. I took that photo when my scanner wasn't working and keep forgetting to make a new copy of it!
Can you believe that its been exactly 10 years since 'Freaks and Geeks' ended? I will truly never get tired of this show, and I love it more every time I rewatch it! If I am feeling a bit down all I have to do is watch a scene at random, notably 'Carlos the Dwarf' from Discos and Dragons, Bill's dancing, or Daniel and Harris' pep talk. I think that this article puts the coolness of this show into perspective quite well, and frankly makes me miss it even more!
Umm, how about those outfits? Photo credit unknown...
I was finally able to get a new camera last week! I've wanted my own digital SLR forever, as for the past couple of years I've been going between using film, borrowing from friends, and carefully manipulating point and shoots haha. Anyways I have been having fun geeking out over features for the past few days, and here are a few random photos that I have taken around my house. Expect many more like these in the near future, as I already seem to have hundreds...
Only 2 weeks until Mad Men comes back! Its so exciting, and I've really been enjoying reading these style profiles in anticipation of the new season. They document all of the women, including secondary characters, detailing what each outfit symbolizes about them and their situation at the time. I find it quite interesting, as I'm finding out things that I may have overlooked or forgotten. For example, Jane had an eating disorder?
They really go into the character backgrounds and history of the era. I feel like I'm learning so much more about each of them through clothing analysis, haha.
The first issue of Cupcake Magazine that I have done illustrations for is online today. It is really lovely to look through, as there are so many talented artists, photographers and the like who contributed. Nanidoo is also featured!
I've been very sad for the past couple of days, as my favorite show on TV at the moment has been canceled. Apparently my life revolves around such things! Party Down is so good, and I've spent the last 5 months or so telling everyone I know and meet in passing to watch it in fear that this day would come. Its too bad, really. This show had so many funny actors and guest stars on it that we otherwise don't get to see. (ie: Martin Starr,Steve Guttenburg! ha) Everyone on it is so good. I also really enjoyed the web show-esque production value it had. The fact that it aired on Starz definitely allowed for all odds to be against it. Who gets Starz, really? They should just make it into an actual webshow seeing as most people probably watch it online anyways!