Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"When I say I'm in love, I mean I'm in love. L-U-V"

Back again! I've spent the past few days packing, moving and reorganizing everything around my house. How boring, haha. Right now I am very in love with this dress from Anthropologie. Its just another reminder of how badly I need a job, sigh.

Also, do you remember these balancing hummingbird things? I found mine while I was cleaning out my room. Memories!


  1. I have that bird thing too! Mine has red tipped wings.

  2. That dress is very pretty but every time I look at their website I am so shocked by the prices. I think even if I had a large disposable income I would be disinclined to pay so much, since I am so cheap. Maybe this is why I am often very successful at vintage shopping.

    I remember those! AW… it's funny to remember fad toys. I wonder if my brother still has his pet rock.

  3. I know how you feel Katie. Haha i couldn't bring myself to spend that kind of money either.

    Elaine, my bird has blue tipped wings! I just stole the picture. It makes me want to collect all colours for some reason haha.

  4. Just hit up the sales racks! No one can REALLY afford that stuff. Haha.

    I got mine from Woody Wood Chucks. It's like Chuckie Cheese, but not. I'm sure you'd be able to find them somewhere!
