Monday, June 28, 2010

Oooh, look, a Blibbering Humdinger!

I thought that it would be fitting to do a post on Luna Lovegood, as we were just talking about her the other day! She is definitely my favorite character. I love her personality and relate to how she's always in her head and comes across as a bit odd because of it. She's so funny, and of course her clothes in the movies are wonderful!

I've been absolutely in love with this dress since seeing the movie last summer, although the last time I searched I wasn't able to find quite so many photos of it. It's so perfectly pretty and quirky. How disappointing that it wasn't at the Toronto exhibition!

I used to be quite the beader (non word?) as a child, haha I know what a shock! I would like to try my hand at making the radish earrings sometime...I thought this set was really nice though.

Oh, and I definitely know that my first bit of tax return money will be going towards some spectrespecs. I did not realize that they were so affordable, haha.

Most photos from unknown sources (my desktop is ridiculous!), jewlery from here, and spectrespecs from here!


  1. YESSSS! Make those earrings! ALSO… I want some spectrespecs now.

  2. Alsooo that second picture is making me laugh so much. Who is she talking to??

  3. ALSO, what could they be talking about? Even Luna looks like she has no idea.

  4. You should get some, definitely! I have no idea who she is talking to/what of but I would really like to know.

    Haha the confusion is amusing.
