Monday, July 25, 2011

Illustrated Authors

Issue 6 of Cupcake magazine is out now, and it includes the polaroid illustrations that I posted about a while ago, as well as this article that I painted some little portraits and flowers for. I would have loved to have drawn Bret Easton Ellis and Dodie Smith as well, had I known they were included/had there been room. I loved "I Capture The Castle" as a child and have read "The Rules of Attraction" one two many times!

Anyways, I know you are a Charlotte Bronte fan, so I hope that I did her justice! I went a little crazy on the colour in these, wanting to put a spin on the black and white portraits that I had for reference. Trollope seems to have been the primary victim, gaining some blue in his beard. I haven't read any of his work, and I can't say that I know too much about him, but I feel like it suits him well!


  1. Trollope looks like a psychedelic Freud! haha! I like it though! These are all very nice. You make Charlotte Brontë look very pretty and shrewd.

    How is Jane Eyre coming along?

  2. Haha I'm glad you like them! I felt kind of bad about changing her look, but its something that just sort of happened when I chose to use those girl-ish colors.

    And I am 3 chapters further than I was before! Which is a mild success for my and my undiagnosed A.D.D! We must discuss the next time I see you!

  3. I love your Charlotte Bronte! The colours are so nice and girly :)

  4. Calla, I am open to such a discussion! Tell me when you've read the part with the gypsy fortune teller… I laugh out loud.

  5. Thanks, Elaine! And I meant to talk to you about the book yesterday, Katie! Next time will be good though, as I have read more today!
