I thought that it would be fitting to do a post on Luna Lovegood, as we were just talking about her the other day! She is definitely my favorite character. I love her personality and relate to how she's always in her head and comes across as a bit odd because of it. She's so funny, and of course her clothes in the movies are wonderful!
I've been absolutely in love with this dress since seeing the movie last summer, although the last time I searched I wasn't able to find quite so many photos of it. It's so perfectly pretty and quirky. How disappointing that it wasn't at the Toronto exhibition!
I used to be quite the beader (non word?) as a child, haha I know what a shock! I would like to try my hand at making the radish earrings sometime...I thought this set was really nice though.
Oh, and I definitely know that my first bit of tax return money will be going towards some spectrespecs. I did not realize that they were so affordable, haha.
Most photos from unknown sources (my desktop is ridiculous!), jewlery from here, and spectrespecs from here!
I'm leaving tomorrow at 5AM for graduation in the afternoon! Clearly I am just using exclamations in an attempt to convince myself that waking up before 10 will be exciting, ha. Along with the hours of sitting and waiting once I get there...But hey, I will leave you with a dirigible and some images I threw together for a surrealism project. I feel like its references to time are appropriate for the situation. I won't even pretend like I know what it means, it was just me trying to make something indecipherable and yet vaguely meaningful for an impossible instructor.
Last night I went to see Toy Story 3! It really was just so good, managing to maintain the same feel of the original 90's movies, despite the new technology. It was my first 3D movie since the cellophane glasses, and I was so surprised and amazed at how good the 3D aspect was! Haha I felt like a very old person because of this. Also, it was quite scary! There was a giant evil baby and a deceitful bear king. I swore I would have nightmares.
Concept art from here, and dress from a long lost source unfortunately.
I've been starting to really miss being in the city. Its quite strange, because I do like the country so I've been thinking about it a lot. I think that at times like these when I have nothing to do, choices to make, and feel a bit directionless it is easier to be surrounded by lots of people in a place that is always moving. It can make you feel a bit less stagnant even if you are the only person in the room who has no place to be.
To add to that, as a quiet person and professional daydreamer, I've always loved how the city allows you to just be and blend in amongst the crowds. As ridiculous as it may be, I always feel so much more self conscious and uncomfortable in small towns. That, and the country drives my allergies crazy so I am always forced to take medicine that makes me even more useless than ever so that really doesn't help. (/geek)
Do you remember that song? A while ago a friend and I 'accidentally' ended up exploring a bunch of Toronto backyards. Someone actually had this carriage in theirs, just sitting there with about 20 bikes. I must admit that I'm quite jealous, and if I was stronger and...more prone to thievery I just might have taken it home with me.
First, some stills from 'Your Highness'. I'm so excited for this, haha. What a perfect couple.
On the subject of things we observed on our trip, here are some new She and Him photos from 'Bust' magazine. I really like the collage style, the hair and of course the clothes - especially the blue dress/romper and white dress!
photos from zooey-deschanel.net, and google, haha.
A while ago, I did a modern remake of 'Thumbelina' for my illustration class. After many variations of the characters and setting (so many outfit possibilities, haha!), these are the ones I settled on as part of the set.
Back again! I've spent the past few days packing, moving and reorganizing everything around my house. How boring, haha. Right now I am very in love with this dress from Anthropologie. Its just another reminder of how badly I need a job, sigh.
Also, do you remember these balancing hummingbird things? I found mine while I was cleaning out my room. Memories!