Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fear of Flying

I still haven't seen 'Up', but this replica of the movie's house created for National Geographic is pretty amazing!


  1. You should see Up—it's so...heartwarming! I don't usually enjoy the Pixar animated films of late, but this one, I must admit, is worth seeing.

    My mom loves it too...I think we might own it. If you haven't seen it by summer, we should have a get together and watch it! Another tea party perhaps? Eh Katie?

    Also, watch this!

  2. I'd really like to see Up, I've just never had the chance yet! So an 'Up tea party' would be perfect!

    And what a nice video, now I want to watch it even more!

  3. I have not seen it either but I want to live in this house!

    YES tea party!

  4. That is cool! If this is what flying were like all of the time, I might not hate it so much.


  5. AWW haha! I feel like the balloon house would be bumpier and more dangerous…
